thoughts, rants, cravings, and dreams

Do you ever wonder? This is my wondering lab. I need it. Life gets too busy and hectic, and I need this...

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Location: East Peoria, Illinois, United States

I am a 22 year old searching for my niche in the world. I am a recent graduate of Moody Bible Institute with a Bachelors of Science in Biblical Studies. I work at Northwoods Community Church in Peoria, Illinois with college students and jr. high students.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Did Jesus physically descend to Hell?

The Apostle's Creed and the Athanasian Creed say in them that Jesus descended to Hell. But nowhere in Scripture do we get the idea that Jesus actually went to Hell. There are two greek word for the dead. Geenna which translated into English means Hell. And Hell actually means the Lake of Fire or Eternal Fire. But there is no actual evidence in Scripture that anyone will be in Hell until after the Second Coming. The other greek word used in Scripture is the word Hadas which translated into Hades in English. Hades actually means The Region of the Dead. So now we still wonder if Jesus actually went to Hell during the time between his death and resurrection. The three creeds that are commonly read aloud in church services every weekend were literally written hundreds of years ago. Two of them written more than 1500 years ago. So why did they include the idea of Jesus going to Hell?

There was some confusion during the middle ages (and probably still a little now) with Hades and Hell. Jesus was a part of the dead for 3 days and then on the third day He ascended to Heaven. He did not literally, physically go to Hell. He was a part of the Region of the Dead.

The reason I post this here is because Bethany and I have recently wondered whether or not Jesus actually did descend to Hell. So I figured there might be a few other people who wondered the same thing. And this is a good week to think about these things as we celebrate Easter. So why do these Creeds that are read aloud in church still say something about Jesus dying, and then descending to Hell??? If you have any idea, let me know!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, while I am by no means a biblical scholar, I can see no there being any conceivable reason would set foot near the gates of Hell. I believe the book of Revelation speaks of a total disconnect from residents of Hell and Heaven-they can see it and see those that dwell there, but can never reach it or communicate with anyone in heaven, including GOD. So, it seems that once you are in-there's no getting out. And Jesus was free from any sin, so while those who were condemned before his coming had not yet had their sins wiped clean, he had no business being there. Hades...yeah, maybe. Am I off my rocker?

1:39 PM  
Blogger Chris said...


I think you're right on. There is nor passing go and there is no collecting $200 from Hell...

2:23 PM  
Blogger swishthedish said...

2 things, while Jesus was free from sin He was "made sin for us." and as for people in hell and heaven not being able to see each other, read Luke 16:19-31 and then let the debate begin.

1:22 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

What about verse 26? Could this perhaps have been a one-time deal? I think that maybe it was and that Jesus was telling this story to be an example...could be wrong

8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dudes, as a recovering Catholic, I was shocked to see the words "he descended to Hell" in the creed that I had read week after week and didn't even realize it... so I also looked into this topic. Without scraping up my notes, I learned that there are different levels of Hell (temporary and final) but there is no clear information found in the Bible that Jesus went to either. Only the thought that he had our sins on him. But I don't buy it and will never recite that again upon any visit to the Catholic church. Geez. Where do they get some of that stuff? Make a darn creed out of an assumption.

9:05 PM  

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