thoughts, rants, cravings, and dreams

Do you ever wonder? This is my wondering lab. I need it. Life gets too busy and hectic, and I need this...

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Location: East Peoria, Illinois, United States

I am a 22 year old searching for my niche in the world. I am a recent graduate of Moody Bible Institute with a Bachelors of Science in Biblical Studies. I work at Northwoods Community Church in Peoria, Illinois with college students and jr. high students.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Henry VIII and fishing

It has come to my attention in recent readings that Henry VIII was a slut. Not only was he a slut, but he was a powerful king of England in the 16th century. He had several wives, several mistresses, and lots of stuff. But here is what boggles my mind. Henry was one of the more religiously moving people of that time. At that time the king of England was in charge of the church. Basically, for a long period of time, the church of England had a man whore running the show. The weird part is that this is not an all together strange occurence. When Henry was not happy with his wife, he would find a way for them to be beheaded for whatever reason he wanted. My point in all of this blabbering is that the church has come a long way since then. Not only in selecting leaders with great character, but government has become more segregated from church. On one hand this is a good thing because politicians are phony and generally immoral. (How sad a statement is that?) But on the other hand, we know god has said He will raise up Godly leaders in effect to lead this world. It seems difficult to think that this always happens because a lot of times some real schmucks get elected to different offices...

Fishing in Alabama (not Arkansas) was good this weekend. Caught a good amount of fish...nothing too huge though.

And Bethany wins the girl-friend-of-the-week award for not knowing I was in Alabama. She actually told people I was in least Arkansas and Alabama are advacent states and both begin with the letter A


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