thoughts, rants, cravings, and dreams

Do you ever wonder? This is my wondering lab. I need it. Life gets too busy and hectic, and I need this...

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Location: East Peoria, Illinois, United States

I am a 22 year old searching for my niche in the world. I am a recent graduate of Moody Bible Institute with a Bachelors of Science in Biblical Studies. I work at Northwoods Community Church in Peoria, Illinois with college students and jr. high students.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Asking the tough questions.

Today I've been asking God some tough questions. I read a story today about a woman who struggled for four years and was eventually killed by cancer. She and her husband were youth workers, him a minister, and her a teacher and mother.

She battled cancer on and off for 4 years until it eventually became untreatable. This has brought me to ask questions like "why?"

I haven't had anyone close to me die of cancer, in fact I've only known a handful of people personally who have had cancer. But I can't help but wonder why things like this occur. It makes me mad at God that there are people who are in so much pain with so little hope. It upsets me that He would allow cancer (insert your own illness, disease, etc...) to claim the lives of tens of thousands of people per year. Why God? Why?

A need for a Savior.

The startling reality that death occurs reminds of me my NEED for Jesus. To think that He offers us life after death helps some. It helps to know even though there is pain and suffering in the world Jesus still has his hand in it all, somehow, some way.

But nonetheless, bad things happen all the time. And for some people it makes no sense at all. I understand that EVERYONE is sinful and that WE ALL deserve death, but why do some semingly wonderful people have to get cancer, and some seemingly awful people live a fruitful life and die in their sleep at the ripe age of 93?

These are the questions that I can't wait to ask God someday. Actually, I'll more so be looking for an answer. I just don't get it...



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