thoughts, rants, cravings, and dreams

Do you ever wonder? This is my wondering lab. I need it. Life gets too busy and hectic, and I need this...

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Location: East Peoria, Illinois, United States

I am a 22 year old searching for my niche in the world. I am a recent graduate of Moody Bible Institute with a Bachelors of Science in Biblical Studies. I work at Northwoods Community Church in Peoria, Illinois with college students and jr. high students.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

First two sessions: Catalyst

We are on a lunch break from Catalyst. The first two sessions were this morning and they were unbelievably awesome.

The first session was Andy Stanley talking about the reality that leadership is temporary and that every Kingdom, every church, every ministry is God's anyways. So we must be diligent, fearless, and humble as leaders of today's churches and businesses. Because leadership is temporary, it can end at any time. The leadership that I have, and or ever will have is a loan from God. One quote that sticks with me from this session was, "Arrogance and greed can't see themselves in the mirror". Leaders have to be humble enough to know they aren't in control and that only the sovereign God of the universe is. Awesome, awesome stuff. See Daniel 4 and 5 for the text he used.

The second session was given by Sir Marcus Buckingham (Yes, he's British). Marcus has written several books about leadership and management, mostly from a secular point of view. He spent a good hour talking about how one of the biggest problems with today's churches and businesses is that managers spend too much time focusing on a person's weaknesses rather than affirming their strengths and building up their skills. He said that up to 86% of people who work in the United States spend little time each day working using their best strengths This means that most people spend their time at work doing things they aren't great at, and probably don't even enjoy doing.. Thus, work suffers, production suffers, business suffers, and most importantly, people quit or lose their jobs.

What an idea...this one is going to get some awesome unpacking for the next several hours, several days even.

I might add...Catalyst does an awesome job of keeping people entertained between sessions. They have a comedian who has a large part in making Catalyst and they have a couple of good bands that make sure there is a constant energy in the room.

Third session is at 2:00 eastern, and the final one today at 4:00. More to come.

Charlie is currently eating lunch with author John Maxwell while Jake, Justin, and I enjoyed a wonderful chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A.....what a rip off!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and i got mystery coffee all over my shirt. weird.

12:50 PM  

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